Jano Mobile




Jano Mobile is an extension of Jano Social developed specifically for Android devices.The main function of this system is to facilitate the access and consultation of the information of the files of Users / Clients managed in any place, even without access to corporate computer applications, applying for it portability technologies.There are many functions, advantages and possibilities offered by this system, but without doubt the most prominent is the ability to concentrate all the most relevant information of thousands of users on a small, portable and very easy to handle support.The main purpose of this application for Android devices is to facilitate the overall quality and efficiency of socio-health care services, considerably facilitating the following functions: Immediate access to the information of the service, and to all those indicators that allow to have a precise knowledge of the situation of the people, their socio-sanitary needs and how they are solved. Facilitate the follow-up of each coordination team and those responsible for the service Offer a structured system for recording the most relevant or important information that should be stored to obtain powerful and useful statistical analyzes about the group of beneficiaries of the service. Offer a quality monitoring and evaluation system not only for the provision of the service, but also for how its beneficiaries perceive it. Offer an online synchronization system that consists of communicating a mobile device with the Jano program and updating the information of both systems. Presence control by reading NFC tags located at the users address or addresses.